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Illustrious Sir Allen Sorbie
will announce the Sahib Ceremonial


Location: Sahib Shrine Center

600 North Beneva Road

Sarasota, Florida 34232


Sahib has scheduled a ceremonial on (date coming soon).  This event will start at 10:00 am, followed by a Moslem Feast Luncheon.  Now is the time to ask any of your Masonic Friends to join Sahib.  The total cost to become a Shriner at this ceremonial is $155.oo, which will include the 2024 dues. 

To get an application for creation, you can stop by our office, email us, or call and we will get you what you need to get your friend started. 


The office email address is: and the phone number is 941-366-4449.

Help us spread the word to your Mason friends of this opportunity to be created a Shriner would be appreciated.  As you know, the Sahib Shriners are a fun group with lots of opportunities to join our numerous units and clubs.  


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